Quickly Mark a ToDo Done

You likely have run into a stumbling block with electronic ToDo lists. They get out of control!

Once your Time Matters ToDo list becomes unmanageable large, you don’t want to look at it — too depressing! So you end up writing down your important tasks on a legal pad. That’s a step backwards, but a rational survival choice in the face of an overly long list.

The secret to taming your Time Matters ToDo list? The Right-Click button on your mouse.

From your main ToDo list or from any of the QuickTabs, quickly mark a ToDo as Done!

You don’t need to open each record and check its Done checkbox. Just right-click, click, done!

Okay, so you have another problem. There are ToDo’s that have changed and are no longer so important, but you still need to track them. They aren’t done. But they are getting in your way, hindering your focus on the important ones

For less important ToDo’s, relegate them to another QuickTab. They will still be in your All ToDo’s list, but not on the QuickTabs you focus on during the day.

You can recategorize selected ToDo’s by tagging all the ones that should not be on your Priority 1 and Priority 2 QuickTabs. After tagging them, use Main Menu / Process / Change Records and select a Change Templat that recategorizes them. Check the Time Matters Help system for more on Change Templates.